The following are just some slightly random thoughts on yesterday's game...
I have to admit I was heartbroken when I saw the final score for tonight's hockey game between Team Canada and Team USA. Canada is my much loved adopted homeland. Yes, many may say that I spent most of my late childhood and early teens in the United States but when I was mature enough to make a choice of which country's ideals to embrace, I readily chose Canada. I prefer the mosaic over the melting pot.
There is something highly symbolic about bringing our neighbours to the south onto our home turf and challenging them to our game. I think many other countries can relate to this opportunity. I think we all are a bit weary of the egocentric way the United States has conducted itself in other arenas and relish the idea of a level playing field. Even if... that field is made of ice.
Yes we were properly beaten. There a number of things that were just not coming together for our boys. The Americans have every right to be happy about their performance especialy in goal tending. But part of me does not appreciate the comments that more than a number of Americans made in regards to their win. No need to gloat now!
I am not a hardcore hockey fan. I don't have an expert analysis of the game. But I do know that hockey is a Canadian passion and obscession. I have joined many a Canadian family during Hockey Night in Canada and witnessed how their enthusiasm seems to reach into their TV sets and affect the outcome of the game. That is why I understood the tears that fell down the cheeks of the Albertan farmer I had the opportunity of sitting beside during the final moments of tonight's game. Do Americans have the same connection to baseball or NFL football?
I really hope the boys rise up to the occaison, collect themselves, focus on working as a team, and get back to it. In either case I've enjoyed the Olympics form the second I rushed into the street to see catch the exchange of the flame just a few feet from my workplace till now.
Go Canada Go!
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