Friday, August 20, 2010

The ER Saga Conclusion...

I love my wife.

If there is one thing that I got from this experience it is that statement is true on even a deeper level. They say that it is the challenges that are brought a marriage that either destroy it or serve as mortar and brick to used to build it up. I know that for me the latter has been proven to be true.

I hope, Lord willing, I never put my wife in the position she was in on Wednesday. Through the help of good friends we made it to the ER and she put a brave face throughout. But as I lay on the gurney within the relative safety of the hospital she lay her head on my chest and I could feel her shiver as she quietly sobbed. I know it will be a moment and image I will have in my heart for a very long time.

The Lord is good. He has sustained us. Once again understand that He does not remove the challenge but He gives you the tools and the means to make it through to the other side. In my wife's life I can see concrete evidence that He has consistently awarded her faith in Him. It is crazy how many of her direct prayers have been answered.

And to those friends and family who offered their prayers, words of encouragment, visited, and did so much to help us through this: we appreciate you! We honour you! We love you!

The Saga Continues!

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