Saturday, July 16, 2011

Of Transfomers and Baby Strollers

After weeks of neglect, I am finally doing a post on here.  Those of you who keep track on facebook know that a lot has transpired since my last entry on my blog.  My family has grown and in such a dramatic way.

As I write this baby Gabriel is sleeping peacefully beside me.  He is swaddled quite tightly in his baby blanket. He doesn't seem to like to keep his hands in the blanket and we often find him with them raised as if he is directing a choir.  Apparently many people tell us this is healthy.

Mom is upstairs sleeping.  It is my turn to keep watch over the little one. Mom deserves this rest.  She has been the one taking care of him when I've been away at work and also during the late evenings as I catch up on sleep for work.  Summer is great because we can get around fairly easily if needed.  It sucks because busy season brings a lot of demands at work.  We deal with it for now...

Thankfully I have two days off straight starting with yesterday.  I spent most of the afternoon yesterday in Calgary trying to find the partner stroller to our child safety seat.  After looking at several stores I finally found the standalone unit and was happy to find it at a reasonable price.  When mated to the seat it sure is intimidating.  Kinda reminds of those Transformers that were formed by joining a few smaller units. 

More than meets the eye.
As I pulled into Banff last night I snapped a picture of my ODO breaking 10,000 ks.  Wow.  To think in the beginning of May we had barely over 1400.  God is good.  He timed the demise of the Nissan perfectly so that we would have a new ride in play just before our whole need of it over the past 2 months. There is no way our Nissan could have handled the abuse. Our Corolla simply went through a thorough break in period and now she runs quite smoothly.  

Milestone reached. Oh what a feeling!
Everyone tells me that nothing can prepare you for this stage in life and you can use all the help you can get.  God keeps sending people that have been such a blessing and indeed help to us.  We never repay them for their kindness and generosity but we are so grateful.

So there they are.  Some random thoughts regarding the times. We press on. I look forward to going for a short ride today in celebration of the ongoing 2011 Tour De France. Go Garmin-Cervelo and Leopard Trek!  I hope the best man wins this year!

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