Lance Armstrong came to prominance during a time when we here in North America needed a solid sports figure who could recapture our imagination much like Michael Jordan did. (Jordan won his last title in 1998. Armstrong won his first Tour in 1999.) For seven straight years there after Armstrong would wear yellow in Paris and we had new hero.
Now as his professional career fades into the setting sun the questioning has become more intense. Did he win those races legitmately? Were they a product of the many innovations that he and his support staff brought to the sport of cycling? (A team designed to give all for one single effort. Trek rising to dominance in the industry.) Were they a product of simply putting in the time, effort, and sacrifice? Did surviving cancer give him that 3 percent edge over his rivals?
I believe the next few month will reveal much and I am prepared either way. 8 Tours is a long time. I've grown up in the 10 years between his first and last tour. I have learned much about the flaws of human nature and should one of my heroes fall, I'm prepared to digest the lessons one can learn from that transition.
And as far as the chain incident...
Very interesting how a single reaction can taint a rider's reputation but in this case I think the negative opinions Contador has garnered are somewhat deserved. He could have waited or had he honestly not noticed Schleck's chain problems when they occured, he could have taken his pace back a few notches.
I've seen a lot of commentary asking what the big deal was. After all, In other forms of racing taking advantage of a fellow racers misfortune is how races are won. Not so in cycling especially in the race that defines cycling: the Tour de France. There is etiquette that demands in this race respect of fellow racers in these situations especially when it comes to the Yellow Jersey rider. It is when Lance, known for being brash and disrespectful for most of his early career, began to demonstrate that he respected this code, that he began to win over people in the European cycling community. Alberto, brilliant over the past 3 years, may have lost admirers in both fans and the peleton. You need friends in the latter to survive in a race!
I dare say the stage has been set for next year's Tour. I hope both these guys go home and bring their A game the next time around. I hope a fire has been lit in Andy's heart by his performance this year and makes it his goal to beat Alberto. I hope Alberto realizes that he needs to be on top of his game to maintain his throne in the coming year.
At any rate there are 2 solid winners of this year's Tour: 1. The Fans. 2. Specialized bikes!

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