Friday, March 26, 2010

The Daquila's in North America...

I am spending a very quiet evening at home and enjoying it. I haven't had one of these in a while and it is welcome. I do my best recharging in solitude.

I do miss my wife immensely and I am glad that she arrived safely in the Philippines this past weekend. She was able to celebrate her Mom's birthday on the 25th of March and we are indeed grateful that Nanay is doing better. Because of the time change, when Tess goes to bed is when I get up, and this has made a bit difficult to catch each other. However it is during these crossover times that we keep in touch with each other through BlackBerry Messenger. I once again am impressed with this cost saving technology.

I am very happy for my older sister Joy this evening because she was recently hired to a important role with the Amer can Nurses Association (AMA). I am sure that she wants to keep other details of her employment private but let us just say she is finally being paid what I believe she has been worth all along. She has struggled a very long time to get to this place and I believe God has blessed her efforts in a tremendous way.

I think this single event gave a shot of motivation to my family that we all needed. I know there has been a cloud of uncertainty and doubt that has hung over us for a while now and we really needed to believe in God and ourselves again. Nothing cripples oneself more than self doubt and we had a bit of that flowing for a bit.

However after hearing Joy's news my sister Lily Msg'ed me, "boy that gives me hope!" I had to concur.

More than ever I believe that our family can be in a better place. Like Joy, I can see Lily being paid what she is truly worth, and doing something she is good at. I believe in her talent and abilty to teach and I believe young minds will be molded for good under her direction. Just hang in there sibling! Things will happen in their proper time!

Like my father I believe that things are drawing to a close here on earth faster than we might be willing to accept. But my father also believes that we need to be stewards of the time and resources that we have while we are here. I want to follow that example more than ever.

Without fully disclosing my plans... Lets just say I derive great motivation from my older sister who earned her Master's Degree inspite of the challenge of being a new mom and dealing with other personal matters. She gritted her teeth and got the job done. The same can be said of the younger one Lily. The same blood that flows through their veins is in mine and it is time to see how strong that flow is. A lot of the lessons that have been learned over the past 10 years need to be applied now.

So I pray for my family tonight. I pray for my wife that she continues to be a blessing to her family in the homeland and that the Lord bless us so that she can continue to do so. I pray for my sisters that they keep the faith and keep fighting. I pray for my Dad that God continue to filll his life with purpose and yet rest at the same time. And finally for my Mom that God give her strength as she holds down the fort in my father's absence.

I love you all!

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